A. E. Newman: Generations
A. E. Newman: A. E. Newman
A. E. Newman: Debroah
A. E. Newman: Little Miss
A. E. Newman: OK, Now that's Funny...
A. E. Newman: Just for fun...1
A. E. Newman: Ms. Julia
A. E. Newman: Fabulous Julia
A. E. Newman: Quiet Time on the edge of history
A. E. Newman: Fort Ticonderoga
A. E. Newman: Re-enactment the British invasion of Kingston NY
A. E. Newman: Re-enactment the British invasion of Kingston NY
A. E. Newman: Re-enactment the British invasion of Kingston NY
A. E. Newman: Portrait in natural light.
A. E. Newman: Portrait in natural light.
A. E. Newman: My first selfie
A. E. Newman: Mohawk Indian
A. E. Newman: Ms Julia
A. E. Newman: Fort Ticonderoga - Bunk House Quarters
A. E. Newman: Mother & Daughter
A. E. Newman: Western Shootout
A. E. Newman: HOPE: It’s going to be OK.
A. E. Newman: Pirate Cruse on the Mini Ha Ha.
A. E. Newman: Killroy was here...
A. E. Newman: Back in time - B&W Simulated 1950's Era
A. E. Newman: Class Act