JarkkoS: Portrait
JarkkoS: You lookin' at me?
JarkkoS: Peacock
JarkkoS: Peacock
JarkkoS: Swans
JarkkoS: Duck
JarkkoS: Ducklings
JarkkoS: Duck
JarkkoS: Looking
JarkkoS: Madrid Zoo Aquarium
JarkkoS: I'm looking at you
JarkkoS: Cranes relocating for winter
JarkkoS: Duck twins
JarkkoS: Shy seagull
JarkkoS: Tired...
JarkkoS: Baby duck
JarkkoS: I'll just rest for a second...
JarkkoS: Swandrops
JarkkoS: Winter swan
JarkkoS: Swan & Ice
JarkkoS: Time for lunch
JarkkoS: Swan in B&W
JarkkoS: Real and not
JarkkoS: Lunch time
JarkkoS: Trees between us
JarkkoS: On top of the world
JarkkoS: Seagull pose
JarkkoS: Me pose, you take picture. OK?
JarkkoS: Coots
JarkkoS: Loking at YOU!