~jar{}: Eucalyptus 8
~jar{}: Eucalyptus 7
~jar{}: Eucalyptus 6
~jar{}: Growth on an Oak
~jar{}: Lichen on an Oak Branch
~jar{}: Moss on an Oak Branch - 2
~jar{}: Moss on an Oak Branch - 1
~jar{}: California Bay Laurel
~jar{}: Eucalyptus 5
~jar{}: Eucalyptus 4
~jar{}: Eucalyptus 3
~jar{}: Eucalyptus 2
~jar{}: Manzanita 4
~jar{}: Manzanita 5
~jar{}: Moss
~jar{}: Branches and Leaves
~jar{}: Spirt of the Forest - 2
~jar{}: Spirt of the Forest
~jar{}: Alders
~jar{}: Dream of Fog and Rain
~jar{}: Lace-Lichen-2, Point Lobos
~jar{}: Lace-Lichen-1, Point Lobos
~jar{}: Passageway
~jar{}: Ginko
~jar{}: Needles
~jar{}: Needles 2
~jar{}: Aspen
~jar{}: Wildcat Gorge
~jar{}: McKensie Pass
~jar{}: Bristlecone Pine