Jon Reiswig:
Misty morning drag-'Fairweather Grounds', Gulf of Alaska.
Jon Reiswig:
Cork line of a Salmon gillnet, Taku Inlet, Alaska.
Jon Reiswig:
F/V Daybreak(Salmon troller); 'Fairweather grounds', Gulf of Alaska.
Jon Reiswig:
At anchor, Lituya Bay, AK. This is a typical Salmon troller.
Jon Reiswig:
Jon Reiswig:
Ted and friend(Salmon Shark)
Jon Reiswig:
My gillnet boat in Alaska.
Jon Reiswig:
Lituya Bay, Gulf of Alaska. Some fishermen refuse to enter the bay out of fear of another tidal wave like the one in 1958. The wave came from the head of the bay when a portion of mountainside slide into the water as a result of an earthquake.
Jon Reiswig:
Yours truly as a young lad-Salmon shark.
Jon Reiswig:
Entrance to "Ford's Terror", (Tracy Arm-Fords Terror Wilderness, AK)
Jon Reiswig:
Redo, what say you?