jaredigital: The Great Geniant Taste Test.
jaredigital: Luis prepares for a taste explosion.
jaredigital: Taste test begins with a small crowd.
jaredigital: The Contenders.
jaredigital: You can almost taste the tension.
jaredigital: This is serious business, folks.
jaredigital: Geniant never tasted so sweet.
jaredigital: Tough decisions.
jaredigital: Debate.
jaredigital: The Ballot.
jaredigital: Mixmaster.
jaredigital: The crowd thickens.
jaredigital: Mmmmm!
jaredigital: Good Times.
jaredigital: KJ Votes.
jaredigital: "Good tendrils."
jaredigital: "This has a fruity bouquet."
jaredigital: All eyes on Keith.
jaredigital: This is quite a crowd now!
jaredigital: Samples.
jaredigital: Important decisions lie ahead.
jaredigital: Mmmmm pizza. The palatte cleanser.
jaredigital: Observing.
jaredigital: Ah, test complete!
jaredigital: Luis attempts to discern the winner.