Recurvirostra: 1-14-20 - And Ptarmigan takes flight!
Recurvirostra: 1-14-20 - Ptarmigan flew right over the car and landed on the other side of the road!
Recurvirostra: 1-14-20 - Black-headed Gull
Recurvirostra: 1-14-20 - Another look at the Murre
Recurvirostra: 1-14-20 - A Dovekie pops up practically at our feet!
Recurvirostra: 1-13-20 - Our luxurious hotel
Recurvirostra: 1-13-20 - Cape Spear panorama
Recurvirostra: 1-13-20 - Ring-necked Duck pair
Recurvirostra: 1-13-20 - Iceland Gulls with Mallards, Black Ducks, and a Wigeon behind them
Recurvirostra: 1-13-20 - Iceland Gull (Kumlien's), the signature gull of St. John's
Recurvirostra: 1-14-20 - Purple Sandpipers, best shot
Recurvirostra: 1-14-20 - Brightly colored rocks on the sand
Recurvirostra: 1-15-20 - Forestalling an earthquake
Recurvirostra: 1-15-20 - Panorama
Recurvirostra: 1-15-20 - And here are the gulls, as advertised
Recurvirostra: 1-15-20 - Waterfowl swims right up to Jared. I think they know him.
Recurvirostra: 1-15-20 - Mallards show the small stature of the PF Goose
Recurvirostra: 1-15-20 - Jared greets old friends as Faye and Laurel look on
Recurvirostra: 1-14-20 - Our group back at the hotel
Recurvirostra: 1-14-20 - Counting PUSAs
Recurvirostra: 1-14-20 - Panorama with our group
Recurvirostra: 1-14-20 - Traveling through the tundra again, this time with Caribou
Recurvirostra: 1-15-20 - The flat rock sliding into the sea
Recurvirostra: 1-15-20 - Bye bye to Newfoundland for now
derekhammond503: DSCN3490 Short-eared Owl 2015
Ashleigh Scully: Happy Valentine's Day Everybody!
Brad James ~ Nature Photography: Northern Flicker...