Jared G: Jacaranda
Jared G: Where's Alice?
Jared G: Any color you want
Jared G: New Year's Night - 1/365
Jared G: No wind - 4/365
Jared G: Ghost of X-mas Past - 23/365
Jared G: dsc_6014_2
Jared G: dsc_6014_1
Jared G: Through the fenceposts - 25/365
Jared G: Beacon of meat - 50/365
Jared G: Pass the herring - 76/365
Jared G: Our town - 79/365
Jared G: Needs whitewash
Jared G: dsc_7756_1
Jared G: Never at dusk - 207/365
Jared G: dsc_5731
Jared G: My future career - 278/365
Jared G: Strange bedfellows - 283/365