Jared G:
New Year's Night - 1/365
Jared G:
Hitchhikers - 2/365
Jared G:
Bay Area Snowflakes - 3/365
Jared G:
No wind - 4/365
Jared G:
Still hanging around - 5/365
Jared G:
Titans from Japan - 6/365
Jared G:
Held over by popular demand - 7/365
Jared G:
Wind-up as still life - 8/365
Jared G:
Squatter's rights - 9/365
Jared G:
On the street where you live - 10/365
Jared G:
Head 'em up - 11/365
Jared G:
Untitled - 12/365
Jared G:
Still life on television - 13/365
Jared G:
Not a winter sunset - 14/365
Jared G:
Pants on car - 15/365
Jared G:
Under the wire 1 - 17/365
Jared G:
Find the light - 18/365
Jared G:
Tiny mouths to feed - 19/365
Jared G:
Singing in the rain - 21/365
Jared G:
Hanging around the office - 22/365
Jared G:
Ghost of X-mas Past - 23/365
Jared G:
Candle power - 24/365
Jared G:
Through the fenceposts - 25/365
Jared G:
Overlooked detail - 26/365
Jared G:
Nightmare tree - 27/365
Jared G:
Untitled 2 - 28/365
Jared G:
This way and that - 29/365
Jared G:
Rain on a sunny afternoon - 30/365