SOJJ!!: Watts Towers (b/w)
SOJJ!!: Watts Towers (color)
SOJJ!!: From inside the dome - the fountain
SOJJ!!: There's only angels holding up these towers
SOJJ!!: Looking up at the towers
SOJJ!!: Brian speaks with the guide
SOJJ!!: Color tiles, close, and from far
SOJJ!!: Spring
SOJJ!!: Bloom
SOJJ!!: Buried in her eyes
SOJJ!!: Pasadena doorway
SOJJ!!: Emily, in front of the D*Face mural, in Culver City
SOJJ!!: Cast & Director of 'Walk-Ons', by Andrew Kadikian
SOJJ!!: The Hearse - Paintball Fields, California Desert
SOJJ!!: Spool fields, California desert - up near the grapevine
SOJJ!!: Seal Beach, sunset
SOJJ!!: Seal Beach Liquor
SOJJ!!: Shooting the Bible, Riverside, CA desert shooting range
SOJJ!!: Shooting the Bible, Riverside, CA desert shooting range
SOJJ!!: Half Moon Motel
SOJJ!!: Santa Monica Sky
SOJJ!!: On a car, in a desert
SOJJ!!: LACMA Skylight