SOJJ!!: Mustaches make you cool
SOJJ!!: Mustaches make you emotional
SOJJ!!: Hanging out
SOJJ!!: Friends
SOJJ!!: Jess has had enough
SOJJ!!: The beard comes in, ever so slowly
SOJJ!!: Heather & Doug at the Troubadour
SOJJ!!: Kate and her dark angel cuddle bear
SOJJ!!: Chameleons at the Troubadour
SOJJ!!: Lolita at the window, watching the show
SOJJ!!: Vickers and Vickers Pooch
SOJJ!!: Beth and the pooch
SOJJ!!: That cat had eyes like I'd never seen
SOJJ!!: Vlad the Retailer & Paul discuss the finer side of using organs to make video game soundtracks
SOJJ!!: Paul takes over the organs at Vlad's
SOJJ!!: Pong
SOJJ!!: Fred Deth
SOJJ!!: Duck Deth
SOJJ!!: Jack Deth
SOJJ!!: Monkey Business
SOJJ!!: High-Five Action
SOJJ!!: Wine & Taboo
SOJJ!!: Fun
SOJJ!!: We need more bottles
SOJJ!!: Kern & JC
SOJJ!!: (Reality Collapses)
SOJJ!!: Having fun
SOJJ!!: Highlands, red eyes