SOJJ!!: class picture 1997
SOJJ!!: Group photo (after locker usage)
SOJJ!!: sitting around
SOJJ!!: group in class, working hard
SOJJ!!: marraige ceremony
SOJJ!!: Levi gives a thumbs up at our mock wedding
SOJJ!!: art camp marraige photos
SOJJ!!: Art Camp wedding photos; Levi flashes his kilt
SOJJ!!: me and chris
SOJJ!!: at the diner, fucking about
SOJJ!!: easter photos with the art gang
SOJJ!!: drag day at art camp
SOJJ!!: Marge let me borrow her clothes for the day
SOJJ!!: pool time!
SOJJ!!: broken arm smile
SOJJ!!: group hug
SOJJ!!: me and chris
SOJJ!!: art camp footsie
SOJJ!!: Emiily, Falen & Chris model wth me