jacqui pexton: portrait trial....Joel, farah, georgia-lee
jacqui pexton: Portrait trial....farah
jacqui pexton: black and white toned image georgia-lee and farah
jacqui pexton: portrait trial...georgia lee and farah
jacqui pexton: portrait trial...farah
jacqui pexton: Portrait trial..georgia-lee, farah
jacqui pexton: Sisters and friends
jacqui pexton: My little friend
jacqui pexton: Two sisters
jacqui pexton: All watching choir
jacqui pexton: Going back in time
jacqui pexton: man and wife
jacqui pexton: My sweet friend
jacqui pexton: Another of my studio shoot of Amy
jacqui pexton: My studio shot of amy
jacqui pexton: my little friend
jacqui pexton: Amy florabella texture
jacqui pexton: Amy shoot.