Jaquandor: Apparently Lester is sleeping off a three-day bender. #Lester #cat
Jaquandor: So nice of Lester to let me have this little corner of MY pillow. #Lester
Jaquandor: The boys are not impressed with Bill Clinton. It's OK, Mr. President! I'm still with ya! #Lester #Julio #PresidentWilliamJeffersonClinton
Jaquandor: Did the Ancient Egyptians invent the cardboard box? Hmmmm. #Lester #CatInBox
Jaquandor: Cats and Wife. (And my left shoulder)
Jaquandor: Naptime with kitteh #Julio
Jaquandor: Julio demonstrates feline dignity. #Julio #cat
Jaquandor: Why yes, fish IS on the menu. Why do you ask? #Julio
Jaquandor: Day 23a: something sweet. What's sweeter than sleeping kittehs? #MarchChallenge #tmlphotoaday #Lester #Julio
Jaquandor: What's better than one kitteh? Two kittehs! #Lester #Julio
Jaquandor: Hi, Lester.
Jaquandor: The dummies in the windowsill #Julio #Lester
Jaquandor: Sumbitch takes up my entire pillow!!!! #Lester
Jaquandor: Home! Weekend started. Work uniform off. Overalls on. Dumb cat on lap. About to nap. Life's good!
Jaquandor: The Wife and Lester. He is annoyed.
Jaquandor: That's about 30 lbs of dumb cat in my lap.
Jaquandor: Cat hair, GAHHH!!!
Jaquandor: What people could learn from kittehs....
Jaquandor: Wow, that is a lot of cat.
Jaquandor: Figures. I just put the lint roller away.
Jaquandor: Oh good. That's my CLEAN laundry. Sigh....
Jaquandor: Cat in bag
Jaquandor: Hey doc, there's a cat-shaped growth on my foot.
Jaquandor: [Insert pun using the word 'mount' here]
Jaquandor: Julio and Mr. Shakespeare.
Jaquandor: The cat in the lap
Jaquandor: I have ice cream.
Jaquandor: What a bunch of freeloaders....
Jaquandor: Sigh....
Jaquandor: The whale is beached....