Janspen: A hotel cup
Janspen: Brian amidst the daffodils
Janspen: A statue, a tree, and a view
Janspen: Castle Howard
Janspen: Gargantuan garden planter
Janspen: Peeking through the primulas
Janspen: Looking up
Janspen: A glimpse of the pyramid between the trees
Janspen: Daffodil walk
Janspen: A much photographed exterior
Janspen: An ascent of daffodils
Janspen: Leaf bud
Janspen: Lake and fountain
Janspen: Carved plinth
Janspen: Castle and daffodils
Janspen: One of the many statues in the grounds
Janspen: A ha-ha and a half!
Janspen: Panaorama 1
Janspen: Panorama 2
Janspen: Panorama 3
Janspen: The mausoleum
Janspen: The mausoleum
Janspen: Temple of the Four Winds
Janspen: Magnificent magnolia
Janspen: Just lovely!
Janspen: Tree with pink-splashed tutu
Janspen: Delightfully delicate blossom
Janspen: A profusion of primroses
Janspen: Springtime
Janspen: Blossom