jann_on: Long Beach Harbor seen from overlook next to Angel's Gate Park, San Pedro
jann_on: Long Beach Harbor seen from overlook next to Angel's Gate Park, San Pedro
jann_on: Long Beach Harbor seen from overlook next to Angel's Gate Park, San Pedro
jann_on: Long Beach Harbor seen from overlook next to Angel's Gate Park, San Pedro
jann_on: Joe at the overlook across from Angel's Gate Park, with Catalina in the distance
jann_on: Long Beach Harbor seen from overlook next to Angel's Gate Park, San Pedro
jann_on: Angel's Gate Park on the right, Catalina in the distance
jann_on: Angel's Gate Park on the right, Catalina in the distance
jann_on: Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Korean-American Friendship Bell at Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Korean-American Friendship Bell at Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Angel's Gate Park (with Catalina in the distance)
jann_on: Korean-American Friendship Bell at Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Korean-American Friendship Bell at Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Looking towards PV from Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Angel's Gate Park (with Catalina in the distance)
jann_on: Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Joe at the Korean-American Friendship Bell
jann_on: Sunset from Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Korean-American Friendship Bell at Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Joe
jann_on: Old military fortification at Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Military fortification at Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Military fortification at Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Military fortification at Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Military fortification at Angel's Gate Park
jann_on: Sunset at Angel's Gate Park