jannacybill: Good morning! Just spent a couple of hours at the beach. Come visit!
jannacybill: Chess anyone?
jannacybill: The home office
jannacybill: Sunday evening kickback
jannacybill: first day of school
jannacybill: he has to wear collared shirts
jannacybill: first day of school
jannacybill: first day of pre-k
jannacybill: Eli eating buffalo shrimp. He has no culinary fear.
jannacybill: View at dinner. Back river, ocean and dolphins.
jannacybill: It is official: We are Georgian.
jannacybill: After dinner Tropical Storm Fay reprieve
jannacybill: Beach time, for reals.
jannacybill: Eating our way through Savannah: Tubby's Tank House
jannacybill: Zeppo's breakfast nook, too
jannacybill: Tropical Storm Gustav! Sounds like Gustav's superhero name.
jannacybill: Gus, you've been upgraded! Say it isn't so, weather.com!
jannacybill: Charlotte, almost home now.
jannacybill: Umm. Why does it look like Hanna is coming right for our new home?