j. kunst: Pharaoh Amenemhat III
j. kunst: Buddhas
j. kunst: Temple of Debod (I)
j. kunst: Horemheb and Amenia
j. kunst: Khaemhat, Chief of the Granary
j. kunst: Church Door and Gate
j. kunst: Vertigo
j. kunst: Seth Fighting Apophis
j. kunst: Vulture Crown of Elizabeth - Cleopatra - Taylor
j. kunst: Theseus Fighting the Minotaur
j. kunst: Galgewater at Dusk
j. kunst: Villa Almerico Capra
j. kunst: Nofretete
j. kunst: Along the Arno on a Clear Winter Morning
j. kunst: Djehutymin
j. kunst: Funerary Papyrus of Khonsumes
j. kunst: Remains of the Forbidden City of Nanjing
j. kunst: Hathor
j. kunst: Amenhotep II
j. kunst: The Gonzaga Cameo
j. kunst: Garden Fresco from the Villa of Livia
j. kunst: Rijksmuseum Underpass
j. kunst: Cleopatra's Banquet
j. kunst: Bridge at Vondelpark
j. kunst: Shabti of Ramesses IV
j. kunst: Ptolemaios VIII Euergetes II "Physcon"
j. kunst: Sphinx of Amenemhat II
j. kunst: Galgewater
j. kunst: Giambologna's Rape of the Sabine Women
j. kunst: The Scribe Ta in Adoration before Anubis