Stella Dacuma Schour: stanley and manny
Stella Dacuma Schour: jenn and arvin
Stella Dacuma Schour: serena and ernest
Stella Dacuma Schour: jenn and the futuristic scrotum
Stella Dacuma Schour: arvin and stanley
Stella Dacuma Schour: emmy and melvin
Stella Dacuma Schour: ernest and stanley drinking milk
Stella Dacuma Schour: the rare moments that ernest pours wine
Stella Dacuma Schour: yet another rare moment
Stella Dacuma Schour: and another...
Stella Dacuma Schour: they look like balls to me
Stella Dacuma Schour: i love this pic, thank you jenn!
Stella Dacuma Schour: because i can...
Stella Dacuma Schour: should we go toward the ligt