Janin L: the fingers of god ( whom ?)
Janin L: look who`s up there
Janin L: take a break
Janin L: australian sky
Janin L: In the Australian Rainforest
Janin L: flight to the moon
Janin L: greetings from Mars
Janin L: into the bush
Janin L: stoned dog
Janin L: the sky is dancing
Janin L: the door
Janin L: look !!!
Janin L: the shadow dance
Janin L: the giant didjeridoo
Janin L: lost ?
Janin L: as time goes by...
Janin L: the Shire II
Janin L: the Shire I
Janin L: good night earth
Janin L: communicating
Janin L: gorgeous gorge
Janin L: a morning in the bush
Janin L: two out of twelve
Janin L: no gas ??
Janin L: a hitch-hikers nightmare
Janin L: Beer o`clock
Janin L: Coppers Pale Ale.. we love you
Janin L: close to paradise
Janin L: evening sun in OZ