Janine Paris:
Janine Paris:
dried caterpillar
Janine Paris:
chongololo (millipede)
Janine Paris:
Janine Paris:
Grade 2 students at Uyoba Library
Janine Paris:
Janine Paris:
Sunset over the Luangwa River
Janine Paris:
red dragonfly
Janine Paris:
Lions on the move
Janine Paris:
Vervet monkeys
Janine Paris:
all kids love a swing
Janine Paris:
town shops 1
Janine Paris:
a dazzle of zebra
Janine Paris:
Beans at the town market
Janine Paris:
Janine Paris:
Janine Paris:
young male imapla
Janine Paris:
boys will be boys
Janine Paris:
Dried fish at the town market
Janine Paris:
town boys
Janine Paris:
Impala, buck & doe
Janine Paris:
impala herd
Janine Paris:
Hyena 1
Janine Paris:
The lion known as "Garlic"
Janine Paris:
Painted dogs 2
Janine Paris:
female bushbuck
Janine Paris:
town shops 6
Janine Paris:
painted dog 2
Janine Paris:
impala buck
Janine Paris:
Nile monitor