-liyen-: Oops!
-liyen-: young performer
-liyen-: little performer
-liyen-: fun with music
-liyen-: serious performer
-liyen-: tiny little hands at the keyboard
-liyen-: sisters
-liyen-: Happy
-liyen-: taking a bow
-liyen-: proud parents
-liyen-: young spectator
-liyen-: duet
-liyen-: rapt audience - a closer look
-liyen-: Rapt audience
-liyen-: The piano recital
-liyen-: performer
-liyen-: little musician
-liyen-: light up the music
-liyen-: dance to the music
-liyen-: Artist
-liyen-: audience
-liyen-: performer
-liyen-: 20190601-DSCF0240sammie plays
-liyen-: get it done
-liyen-: parents
-liyen-: performer
-liyen-: future concert pianist
-liyen-: in church
-liyen-: before the concert
-liyen-: performing first solo