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owls by Janice L
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Janice L
Give a Hoot
Janice L
shhhhhh, Day Sleeper
Janice L
Maybe if I hide behind this moss nobody will see me.
Janice L
Whooooo you lookin' at? Whoooooo, Me?
Janice L
Momma Barred Owl
Janice L
I'm still looking for owls.
Janice L
Snack time.
Janice L
Adult Great Horned Owl -- Bubo virginianus
Janice L
Adult Great Horned Owl -- Bubo virginianus (1 of 2)
Janice L
I see you!
Janice L
Who, who is looking at you?
Janice L
Barred Owl
Janice L
Bored Momma Owl
Janice L
sleepy owlet
Janice L
Owl 'n' Bug
Janice L
Janice L
It's still baby owl time at the Ridgefield wildlife refuge.
Janice L
Janice L
My first owl shot of 2013
Janice L
Just need my shades.
Janice L
Dinner Time
Janice L
Seeking the Elusive Great Horned Owl
Janice L
Give a Hoot, please view him large.
Janice L
Now what is that I have between my talons?
Janice L
Barred Owl
Janice L
Good-bye Owl Tree
Janice L
Barred Owl
Janice L
One more Owl.
Janice L
Calling to its mate
Janice L
The Owl and the Mole
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