janetmck: Elephant at the station
janetmck: Elephant at the station
janetmck: Watching the fountains
janetmck: Elephant outside the station
janetmck: Elephant outside the station
janetmck: Another elephant outside the station
janetmck: Hugging the trunk
janetmck: Watching the fountains
janetmck: Touching the wall of water
janetmck: Touching the wall of water
janetmck: Chocolate milkshake
janetmck: Enjoying her milkshake
janetmck: Steampunk elephant
janetmck: Touch the trunk
janetmck: Hugging the elephant
janetmck: Perching
janetmck: Forkocactus Spoonelliflora
janetmck: Covered in spoons!
janetmck: Wishing pool
janetmck: Paddling
janetmck: Paddling
janetmck: Paddling
janetmck: Paddling in the Peace Gardens
janetmck: Indie
janetmck: iPad time
janetmck: Indie
janetmck: Sitting on the fence
janetmck: Sitting on the fence
janetmck: Riverside Pub