JanetJJ: 27Jan Spring1
JanetJJ: 27Jan Spring3
JanetJJ: 26Jan Sunset Framed
JanetJJ: 26Jan Silhouette
JanetJJ: 31Jan Thicket
JanetJJ: 2Feb Basil
JanetJJ: 8Feb Starburst
JanetJJ: 8Feb Into the light
JanetJJ: SG2
JanetJJ: 12Feb Complexity
JanetJJ: 12Feb Mistree
JanetJJ: 12Feb Mistree - Black & White
JanetJJ: 16Feb New Life
JanetJJ: 27Feb Bubbles on a Mint Leaf in Lemonade
JanetJJ: 19Mar End of Term
JanetJJ: 19Mar Greens
JanetJJ: 21Mar Riding Out - BW
JanetJJ: 21Mar Deadwood
JanetJJ: 22Mar When Trees Turn Nasty
JanetJJ: 22Mar Hey Bud
JanetJJ: (Easter) egg plant
JanetJJ: 30Mar Leaflines
JanetJJ: 7Apr Just behind the beachfront in Cupra Maritima
JanetJJ: 12Apr Inside the Amphitheatre at Urbs Salvia
JanetJJ: 14Apr Sunset disguised
JanetJJ: 17Apr Red eye
JanetJJ: 15Apr Basil
JanetJJ: 21Apr Grape things to come
JanetJJ: 6May Soft
JanetJJ: 6May Unadulterated Dandelion