janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Hippo sharing an island with a Croc.....
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Had to laugh - it is a line of butts - Wildebeest
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Warthog - love this face!
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Serengeti plains - makes me want to sing
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Wildebeest as far as you can see.
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Yes i see you...and you best Beware
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: The tallest animal in the world
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Waiting for night
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Elephant is sharping his tusks
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: I call her split nose
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: sorrowful roaring
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Serengeti great horn bill
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Serengeti Bird of Prey
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Serengeti Herd of Wildebeest
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Young Serengeti Lion
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: She has grace like no other
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: serengeti horn bill
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: antelope of africa
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: African Vulture Nest