janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
Grandson's Shoe Art
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
100% Adorable
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
exercise her imagination
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
underwater fun
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
Baking with the granddaughter
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
The water fountian fun
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
the water fountian
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
Bubbles in the water
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
Water Ways
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
My Daughter
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
Reto Photo - My Daughter
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
Hand Prints In The Sand
janetfo747 ~ vacation time:
Friendship is one of life's greatest treasures