janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey 2006
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey 2006
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey 2006
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey 2006
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey 2006
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey 2006
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey 2006
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey 2006
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey 2006
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey 2006
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey 2006
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Pergamom, Turkey 2006
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: The Underground Chamber
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Ancient Greek City of Pergamon