Jane Starz: Gnomensjaal
Jane Starz: Bella's simple shawl
Jane Starz: Roze sjaal-1
Jane Starz: Roze sjaal-2
Jane Starz: Bellas_Simple_Shawl-1
Jane Starz: Copilot Cowl
Jane Starz: Copilot detail
Jane Starz: My So-Called Scarf
Jane Starz: My So Called Scarf
Jane Starz: My first crochet project in a long time
Jane Starz: Windsong-1
Jane Starz: Muness
Jane Starz: White Pasta Cowl
Jane Starz: First Crush Blocking
Jane Starz: Hitchhiker
Jane Starz: Naaldbreuk
Jane Starz: Daybreak
Jane Starz: Kleurkeuze
Jane Starz: Day 1
Jane Starz: Clue 1 complete
Jane Starz: Steken opnemen
Jane Starz: Steken opnemen 2
Jane Starz: Start of Clue 2
Jane Starz: Subtle hue
Jane Starz: Expert help with the French CanCan Shawl
Jane Starz: Klaar voor Clue 3
Jane Starz: Best klein
Jane Starz: Terug naar Clue 2
Jane Starz: Blocking French Can Can
Jane Starz: French Can Can