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Macros by Janesha B
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Janesha B
Orange spider
Janesha B
Knows It's name please?
Janesha B
Looking for its prey
Janesha B
Green spider (Explored)
Janesha B
Janesha B
I got you!
Janesha B
Fly on a wire
Janesha B
Kissing ants
Janesha B
You taking me?
Janesha B
My dear friends if you want to tryout "ant back riding" please contact me. This ant will take you anywhere and everywhere!!!!
Janesha B
Fire ant up close
Janesha B
Take a picture of me!
Janesha B
You make me feel like dancing, dancing, dancing oh yeah
Janesha B
Going at it on a cold rainy day at the Leaf Top Hotel!!!
Janesha B
Sunlit fire ant
Janesha B
Trafic moving at full speed on the ant highway
Janesha B
A very hairy spider
Janesha B
Spider at his home
Janesha B
A spider on it's web
Janesha B
A fly that glistens green
Janesha B
An angry fire ant!
Janesha B
Somersaulting ant
Janesha B
It's the happy hour at The Buds!
Janesha B
Insect Unicorn
Janesha B
A giant leap for the Antkind!
Janesha B
Spider on a leaf
Janesha B
Hi there!
Janesha B
Fire Ants home.
Janesha B
Egg laying moth
Janesha B
Green Spider
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