jane pony: h20 at viatiene
jane pony: arden fair, de
jane pony: my relatives are buried under this tree in delaware
jane pony: heirloom
jane pony: last week of unemployment brunch
jane pony: 2nd peach pie of the week
jane pony: pendle hill fall strawberries and basil
jane pony: saying goodbye to cory and nathaniel
jane pony: kale!
jane pony: assembling the massive sushi dinner
jane pony: somebody ate too many edamame - i think it was nate.
jane pony: she's happy about the sushi, don't worry.
jane pony: hazelland garden
jane pony: bartram's garden dahlias
jane pony: bartram's historic plaque
jane pony: bartram's pink hangy flowers
jane pony: bartram's lilypads
jane pony: arin and robin defy gravity
jane pony: view from one bank to the other
jane pony: bartram's stegosaurus
jane pony: bartram's box
jane pony: our first eggplant!