LastBestPlace: Taking a break on Labor Day
LastBestPlace: Springtime at the marsh
LastBestPlace: Yes, the whole branch to myself!
LastBestPlace: Winter's last bite
LastBestPlace: Light snow
LastBestPlace: American Tree Sparrow
LastBestPlace: Spreading the Love
LastBestPlace: Cooper's Hawk in the front yard
LastBestPlace: Brace, brace, brace....head down...stay down!
LastBestPlace: Tapping into the New Year!
LastBestPlace: Sleigh Ride at Old World Wisconsin
LastBestPlace: Heading south
LastBestPlace: Juvenile Cooper's Hawk
LastBestPlace: A slice of November
LastBestPlace: Early morning at Ottawa Lake
LastBestPlace: Early autumn on the Gibraltar Rock trail
LastBestPlace: Last call before sunset
LastBestPlace: Crane dancing on the beach
LastBestPlace: Young Sandhill Crane
LastBestPlace: Momma crane with her colts on a very sunny afternoon
LastBestPlace: Showing finesse
LastBestPlace: Eastern Kingbird
LastBestPlace: Vying for attention
LastBestPlace: Happy Mother's Day!
LastBestPlace: Happy Earth Day, 2016!
LastBestPlace: Still snowing!
LastBestPlace: Sandhill getaway
LastBestPlace: Flight of the Sandhills
LastBestPlace: Pure winter
LastBestPlace: Little Downy