janeland: A18925 / underfoot at fort mason
janeland: A18924 / pink arc gets the special treatment
janeland: A18920 / meanwhile in the parking lot
janeland: A18917 / meanwhile in the parking lot
janeland: A18916-924 / jane out in the parking lot making a collage with the concrete and the asphalt
janeland: A18915 / seeking cellular signal at the sf art mkt
janeland: A18900 / reflections and extra texture on appropriated artwork
janeland: A18893 / cute couple at the sf art mkt
janeland: A18876 / exuberant exhibit visitor
janeland: A18873 / zhou-style paper cutting
janeland: A18863 / Tom Gregg at Art Mkt SF
janeland: A18848 / ray kleinlein at artmarket sf
janeland: A18847 / bonnie maygarden at artmarket sf
janeland: A18844 / extra texture on bonnie maygarden and visitors at Art Mkt SF
janeland: A18840 / symmetricized rorschach underfoot on pier 15
janeland: A18660 / pier 2 gets symmetricized and drifts off into the bay
janeland: A18658 / pier 2 gets the special treatment late in the day
janeland: A18657 / late in the day at fort mason center
janeland: A18642 / larry bell at fort mason center
janeland: A18640 / vija celmins at fort mason center
janeland: A18639 / marisa merz at fort mason center
janeland: A18634 / seated figure
janeland: A18631 / yellow sculpture on white pedestal with grey shadows and extra texture, of course
janeland: A18629 / carol bove at fort mason center
janeland: A18616 / viewing a perfect lygia clark
janeland: A18613 / lygia clark's perfect little artwork (photographer heavily, but almost imperceptively, edited out reflections from the planar surfaces)
janeland: A18605 / two quadrilaterals with some triangles
janeland: A18594 / lampshade
janeland: A18582 / neither leggy chameleon, nor other critter on upward trajectory
janeland: A18581 / not a gar