Jane Dallaway: Burned out bus
Jane Dallaway: Hairy wheel
Jane Dallaway: Skeletal shrine
Jane Dallaway: Burned out bus engines
Jane Dallaway: Back end of a bus - burned
Jane Dallaway: Still looking a bit like a coach
Jane Dallaway: Funnels
Jane Dallaway: Derelict
Jane Dallaway: Corugated
Jane Dallaway: Funnel through the window
Jane Dallaway: Between the buildings
Jane Dallaway: Between the buildings 2
Jane Dallaway: The site
Jane Dallaway: Site and tree
Jane Dallaway: Back end of a burned out bus
Jane Dallaway: Buiding and funnels
Jane Dallaway: Derelict
Jane Dallaway: Derelict
Jane Dallaway: Site street
Jane Dallaway: Abandoned site
Jane Dallaway: Broken windows, corugated doors
Jane Dallaway: Cement Works early April
Jane Dallaway: Cement Works early April
Jane Dallaway: Cement Works early April
Jane Dallaway: Cement Works early April
Jane Dallaway: Cement Works early April
Jane Dallaway: Cement Works early April