Jane Dallaway: Kedleston Hall #latergram
Jane Dallaway: Coloured bobbins at Masson Mills Working Textile Museum
Jane Dallaway: In the beer garden
Jane Dallaway: Hunting
Jane Dallaway: More hunting
Jane Dallaway: Peering
Jane Dallaway: Masson Flag
Jane Dallaway: 00387 yards
Jane Dallaway: Many threads
Jane Dallaway: Thread moving
Jane Dallaway: Jacquard cards
Jane Dallaway: Handwritten weaving drafts
Jane Dallaway: Pre-threaded reeds
Jane Dallaway: Shuttles and pirns
Jane Dallaway: Basket of pirns
Jane Dallaway: Overview
Jane Dallaway: Colours
Jane Dallaway: Machinery
Jane Dallaway: Chimney
Jane Dallaway: Masson Mills front
Jane Dallaway: Staring out the window hoping to spot squirrels
Jane Dallaway: The back of Kedlestone Hall
Jane Dallaway: Looking towards the bridge
Jane Dallaway: Close up bridge
Jane Dallaway: Where the sheep live