Jane Dallaway: Beadazzle's got its sandbags ready
Jane Dallaway: Seaweed caught on Hove lawns fence
Jane Dallaway: Tide mark is pretty high.
Jane Dallaway: Skitters, Richard and beach
Jane Dallaway: Promenade surface damage
Jane Dallaway: Promenade breached
Jane Dallaway: Beach hut door problem
Jane Dallaway: Another beach hut with issues
Jane Dallaway: Beach hut devastation.
Jane Dallaway: Muddy dog was muddy!
Jane Dallaway: "True Grit", one of the new snow ploughs, has had a change of role and is currently more of a pebble plough
Jane Dallaway: Beach hut destruction. Near Hove Lagoon