Jane Dallaway: Looking through the grotto's "window" in the woodland near Croft Castle, Herefordshire
Jane Dallaway: Uniformly straight lines of trees. Somewhere near Pembridge, Hertfordshire yesterday. #latergram
Jane Dallaway: View from the top of Yatton Hill (272m)
Jane Dallaway: Reward for climbing up Yatton Hill - strawberry, meringue, shortbread and cream. Oh and tea. Obviously.
Jane Dallaway: Afternoon tea with a difference - a savoury afternoon tea (cheese scone, cream cheese and onion marmalade)
Jane Dallaway: The public footpath signs could do with being replaced and made more weather resilient. This was one of the more obvious markers we saw on today's walk
Jane Dallaway: Tiny apples in a big orchard
Jane Dallaway: One of our more unusual mid-morning walking snacks...
Jane Dallaway: Cute Pembridge village
Jane Dallaway: Our home for the weekend