Jane Dallaway: Bye Bye Portsmouth
Jane Dallaway: Richard and Skitters on the ferry
Jane Dallaway: The thought of a "Red Squirrel Trail" interests Skitters
Jane Dallaway: Tennyson monument
Jane Dallaway: Tennyson monument
Jane Dallaway: Viewpoint from Tennyson Down
Jane Dallaway: Tennyson Down marker
Jane Dallaway: Lifeboat mural at Freshwater Bay
Jane Dallaway: Pornstar Skitters
Jane Dallaway: Our rented cottage
Jane Dallaway: Catch Skitters
Jane Dallaway: Richard and Skitters on the beach
Jane Dallaway: Bembride lifeboat
Jane Dallaway: Bembridge windmill
Jane Dallaway: Mud mud mud
Jane Dallaway: Whitecliff Bay
Jane Dallaway: Richard and Skitters on the beach
Jane Dallaway: Richard and Skitters
Jane Dallaway: Bembridge lifeboat station
Jane Dallaway: Aluminium honeycomb
Jane Dallaway: Belated birthday cake
Jane Dallaway: View from the landing stage
Jane Dallaway: View from the landing stage
Jane Dallaway: View from the landing stage
Jane Dallaway: The Western Yar
Jane Dallaway: Sad notice
Jane Dallaway: Tractor and dog weathervane