Jane Dallaway: Posy bowl of green crysthanthemums
Jane Dallaway: Today's floral arrangement
Jane Dallaway: Asters and Chrysanths
Jane Dallaway: A posy bowl of Sweet Williams
Jane Dallaway: I made a thing
Jane Dallaway: Today's flowers
Jane Dallaway: Pattern, Silks and Case
Jane Dallaway: Progress
Jane Dallaway: Two thirds done
Jane Dallaway: Tada! Finished
Jane Dallaway: Initial sketch, inspiration calculator
Jane Dallaway: Ready to start
Jane Dallaway: Half way point
Jane Dallaway: Finished
Jane Dallaway: Finished case with inspiration
Jane Dallaway: In Bookmark mode
Jane Dallaway: Pin cushion
Jane Dallaway: Pin cushion (with hand for scale)
Jane Dallaway: Hand tied arrangement
Jane Dallaway: Table arrangement
Jane Dallaway: Table arrangement
Jane Dallaway: Finished weaving
Jane Dallaway: Pen holders
Jane Dallaway: Pen holder
Jane Dallaway: Flower loom flowers
Jane Dallaway: On it's "little loom"
Jane Dallaway: Off loom having lost a warp thread
Jane Dallaway: Vibrant pink roses
Jane Dallaway: Project #5 on the loom
Jane Dallaway: Project #5 finished