Jane Dallaway: Shop selling heads
Jane Dallaway: First day as MP for Brighton Pavilion
Jane Dallaway: Caroline Lucas
Jane Dallaway: Bluebells in the wood
Jane Dallaway: Path into the bluebells
Jane Dallaway: Richard (and Skitters) on the path
Jane Dallaway: Richard and Skitters
Jane Dallaway: A deer in the woods
Jane Dallaway: Richard collapses
Jane Dallaway: Richard and Skitters
Jane Dallaway: Bella Italia
Jane Dallaway: Lego Store
Jane Dallaway: Seven Sisters
Jane Dallaway: Me and Skitters at Birling Gap
Jane Dallaway: Richard and Skitters at Birling Gap
Jane Dallaway: At the Duke of Yorks
Jane Dallaway: Milenium Retail
Jane Dallaway: Flowers
Jane Dallaway: Reflections
Jane Dallaway: Simon directs his wife
Jane Dallaway: Natalie and her bridesmaids
Jane Dallaway: Natalie blowing bubbles
Jane Dallaway: Mr and Mrs
Jane Dallaway: Speeches happening
Jane Dallaway: Tom - best man speech
Jane Dallaway: Cutting the cheese