Jane Dallaway: The leader, and winner, of the first Brighton Marathon
Jane Dallaway: Heart deckchairs
Jane Dallaway: Pile of Powerade
Jane Dallaway: Runners through the fence
Jane Dallaway: Where is Tamsin Shasha?
Jane Dallaway: Toilets
Jane Dallaway: Stormtrooper
Jane Dallaway: 24 miles
Jane Dallaway: Water stop
Jane Dallaway: Finish line - 6:17:50
Jane Dallaway: Water post
Jane Dallaway: Powerade point
Jane Dallaway: Where is everyone?
Jane Dallaway: The care bear didn't make it :-(
Jane Dallaway: Leader being led
Jane Dallaway: 2:10:29 - the leader at 24.5 miles (ish)
Jane Dallaway: Chevy on the seafront
Jane Dallaway: Keeping the BBQ warm?
Jane Dallaway: Brighton Marathon
Jane Dallaway: Brighton Marathon deckchairs
Jane Dallaway: Richard and Skitters