Jane Dallaway: Settling into his "guest house"
Jane Dallaway: With Richard
Jane Dallaway: With Jane
Jane Dallaway: Walkies on Devil's Dyke
Jane Dallaway: Interested in the paragliders
Jane Dallaway: Derelict building
Jane Dallaway: Let's go that way
Jane Dallaway: So cute...
Jane Dallaway: Looks like Richard is going that way then
Jane Dallaway: One man and his dog
Jane Dallaway: Exploring our back garden
Jane Dallaway: Walking along the beach
Jane Dallaway: On Devil's Dyke
Jane Dallaway: Jane and Zebedee
Jane Dallaway: Zebedee and Richard in motion
Jane Dallaway: Zebedee and Richard
Jane Dallaway: Walkies on the beach
Jane Dallaway: Sitting on the prom
Jane Dallaway: Walk on
Jane Dallaway: Look left and right before you cross