Jane Dallaway: Simon introduces
Jane Dallaway: Paul, Mike and Bruce
Jane Dallaway: Chris, Martin and Min
Jane Dallaway: Andy, Zulay and Craig
Jane Dallaway: In 2010 We are - full of ideas apparently
Jane Dallaway: In 2010 we are: artistic
Jane Dallaway: Chris discusses his teams ideas
Jane Dallaway: James presents his teams ideas, whilst Paul looks on
Jane Dallaway: Sarah writes
Jane Dallaway: In 2010 we are: pie eating
Jane Dallaway: Emily presents
Jane Dallaway: All 18 participants choose 5 ideas
Jane Dallaway: Still choosing ideas
Jane Dallaway: Sarah presents
Jane Dallaway: Exercise 2: Start, Stop, Continue
Jane Dallaway: Team of 6 working on exercise 2
Jane Dallaway: Jim writes the results of Exercise 2