Jane Dallaway: Dave and Emma
Jane Dallaway: Dave and Jim looking studious
Jane Dallaway: Group in discussion
Jane Dallaway: Discussing a perfect day
Jane Dallaway: Katrina works on the Perfect Day
Jane Dallaway: Coffee break
Jane Dallaway: Coffee break
Jane Dallaway: Coffee break
Jane Dallaway: Nick and Chris
Jane Dallaway: Getting ready for the next session
Jane Dallaway: Ready for the next session
Jane Dallaway: Group feedback
Jane Dallaway: Harry in the light
Jane Dallaway: Steve ready for exploration
Jane Dallaway: Dave and Jim
Jane Dallaway: Popping Candy
Jane Dallaway: Perfect Day presentation
Jane Dallaway: Process map
Jane Dallaway: Concentrating
Jane Dallaway: Group of floorsitters
Jane Dallaway: Extended group of floorsitters
Jane Dallaway: Group gathering