.Sarah Louise.:
.Sarah Louise.:
'Aint' Beck and Ella
.Sarah Louise.:
Aunt Beck and Ella
.Sarah Louise.:
Susie and Ella
.Sarah Louise.:
The boys!!!
.Sarah Louise.:
Garrett watching Batman.
.Sarah Louise.:
The boys, and bugs watching Batman.
.Sarah Louise.:
Ms. Evan Grace, the big sister!
.Sarah Louise.:
That's a great couch huh?
.Sarah Louise.:
Doing what they do best...sitting and talking, probably about someone! :)
.Sarah Louise.:
Brad really didn't want his picture made, but we kind of forced him.
.Sarah Louise.:
.Sarah Louise.:
We couldn't make him smile... :(
.Sarah Louise.:
We sure do look cute!!!
.Sarah Louise.:
Aunt Beck and Ella, the edited one.