jane.garratt♥: 365/70: Whispery White & Green
jane.garratt♥: 365/157: Purple Salvia
jane.garratt♥: 365/83: "I am trying to prove to myself that I am a person" ~ Marilyn Monroe
jane.garratt♥: 365/160: Suburban Pinktopia
jane.garratt♥: 365/158: Pelargonium Grunge
jane.garratt♥: 365/105: Candles
jane.garratt♥: HPPT Partay!!!
jane.garratt♥: 365/118: I know enough to tell you that fluff is a substance too ~ Story People
jane.garratt♥: 365/81: Letting the days go by ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/223: I held her close for only a short time, but after she was gone, I'd see her smile on the face of a perfect stranger & I knew she would be there with me all the rest of my days ~ Story People
jane.garratt♥: 365/62: F is for Fragile
jane.garratt♥: 365/82: Into the wild blue yonder ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/80: Leaning out as far as she can, ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/73: All that glitters ... is *Bling* HPPS!
jane.garratt♥: 365/143: Bokeh, Beads &Stripes
jane.garratt♥: 365/142: Sorrow's Child
jane.garratt♥: 365/102: for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/136: Her memories extended years back
jane.garratt♥: 365/113: New Green
jane.garratt♥: 365/137: Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby ...
jane.garratt♥: 365:86: Most people she never tells about the tightrope ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/69: Spilt Milk
jane.garratt♥: 365/48: Poppy's Pink Tutu
jane.garratt♥: 365/123: Watching the wheels ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/60: Bottlebrush - HSS!
jane.garratt♥: 365/221: Wattlekeh
jane.garratt♥: 365/124: When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple ~ Jenny Joseph
jane.garratt♥: 365/119: It is still so new & all we see is the empty space ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/5: Crystal Ball
jane.garratt♥: 365/79: Lone Weed