jane.garratt♥: 365/23: It takes courage ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/24: To become acquainted with the butterflies ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/45: Futile the winds to a heart in port ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/55: It doesn't happen all at once ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/70: Whispery White & Green
jane.garratt♥: 365/71: Aliens! HGGT!
jane.garratt♥: 365/78: A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
jane.garratt♥: 365/83: "I am trying to prove to myself that I am a person" ~ Marilyn Monroe
jane.garratt♥: 365/90: Keep a candle burning
jane.garratt♥: 365/91: Just like the setting sun ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/102: for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees ...
jane.garratt♥: 365/124: When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple ~ Jenny Joseph
jane.garratt♥: 365/160: Suburban Pinktopia
jane.garratt♥: With Peaceful Wing Unfurled
jane.garratt♥: 365:5 Go placidly amid the noise & the haste ...
jane.garratt♥: 365:7 Mellow Yellow
jane.garratt♥: Step into my parlour said the spider to the fly
jane.garratt♥: It's a gift ... (& a curse) ~ Monk