jancient: Bridge going in...
jancient: Flying Home...
jancient: Bridge again...
jancient: Down, down... a little more...
jancient: First across...
jancient: Doing her job...
jancient: Irene got here too...
jancient: Ken got here...
jancient: Alan dropped in...
jancient: Here's how piece 1 and piece 2 are connected.
jancient: Here's the view east up the Stayton Ditch from the midpoint of the span.
jancient: This might be my favorite bridge pic...
jancient: Armed and ready...
jancient: Already part of the park...
jancient: Two images of the Paris Woolen Mill...
jancient: North approach, Stayton Ditch pedestrian bridge
jancient: South side approach...
jancient: South side view of Stayton Ditch pedestrian bridge
jancient: Snow Peak from the park on the Santiam...
jancient: Maika crosses the bridge...
jancient: The North Santiam
jancient: Ben was there too...
jancient: The City loves signs...
jancient: Stayton Trail Bridge detail
jancient: Looking west into the fog...
jancient: Adopted...
jancient: Stayton Ditch at the Florence Street pedestrian bridge