jancient: Drained the keg...
jancient: Here's where it started last night...
jancient: I have no idea what this means...
jancient: Mayor's daughter, grandaughter, wife...
jancient: Scott is more than a councilor...
jancient: Shannon eats his work...
jancient: There goes the mayor's last dollar...
jancient: Shannon pours us the cheap ass wine we always thought came out of a bottle.
jancient: Apizza...so that's that then.
jancient: Raechelle put on an apron...
jancient: Mellissa and Curtis
jancient: Melissa was there with her newly adopted son
jancient: Goodby Shannon...
jancient: Gail's a gypsy but she uses a map...
jancient: Councilor Vigil does serious pizza damage...
jancient: Aunt Raechelle takes Curtis...
jancient: The mayor gave us a buck...
jancient: Shannon makes one for his friends...
jancient: Shannon does one more for us all...
jancient: Sarah played the mayor's dollar...
jancient: I'm thinking Angry Greek...
jancient: Got a lot of help tonight...
jancient: Bye Steve...and Gerry's not running for mayor...
jancient: Apizza's last pizza...