jancient: S., Pam, Shirley...
jancient: Get a little art out there...
jancient: Here's what we did in Stayton today...
jancient: Here's a good idea...
jancient: Garden Tour '09: Chicken
jancient: Garden Tour '09: Pam
jancient: Salem Ditch: Garden Tour '09
jancient: Salem Ditch weir #1
jancient: Art in the garden: Brown House Garden Tour '09
jancient: Wonderfully old cherry: Brown House garden tour "09
jancient: View from eastern Marion County above Sublimity
jancient: Lower head gate: Norblad Lane
jancient: Cherub...Hofmann garden
jancient: Here's the theme...
jancient: It's all garden...
jancient: Lines..Hofmann
jancient: My favorite garden...
jancient: S. hosted the Jan Hofmann garden
jancient: It's Stayton and garden-like...
jancient: Bob's in charge...
jancient: Lunch at the Brown House work party...
jancient: Museum quality
jancient: Interior walls...
jancient: I patched the floor...
jancient: Picture for Grey...
jancient: Looks pretty ominous...
jancient: Another ex student...
jancient: I've got the salad...where's your bowl?
jancient: At work...
jancient: Nice sign...