jancient: But it was gone by the time we got there.
jancient: I passed it up...
jancient: PDx...morning
jancient: PDx...street art
jancient: Art persists...
jancient: PDX Cafe Reese
jancient: Sweet Thai Basil, 17th and ...
jancient: We're warned...
jancient: Morning PDX: Wildwood's dessert menu...
jancient: Morning PDX: Given' her the needle...
jancient: Morning PDX: It's worth it...
jancient: PDX: Just the natural evolution of street art...
jancient: PDX and why I go...
jancient: PDX Couch School fence...
jancient: PDX: We're coming in...
jancient: PDX: architecture as design (duh...)
jancient: Cafe Reese..
jancient: Laurelwood Pub...that's where we wanted to have lunch.
jancient: Street mosaic...24th St.
jancient: Joyce...in northwest.
jancient: Yes...
jancient: Yup...
jancient: A little botoz, a little beer, a little gaspacho......
jancient: Got a few of these left...
jancient: I'm not laughing.
jancient: Laurelwood
jancient: Morning PDX July 29
jancient: Pdex...
jancient: Pho, pho...